November 2016

21. November 2016

Can you spot fraudsters online?

Find out if you can avoid traps set by fraudsters for Black Friday sales. Source:
18. November 2016

How machine learning works, simplified

Lately, tech companies have gone crazy about machine learning. What is machine learning, and what are its implications? Here’s our take on this technology. Source:
16. November 2016

Quiz: Cybersecurity trivia

How much do you know about the events that rocked the world of cybersecurity in the past few years? Test yourself! Source:
16. November 2016

Nur ein hauchdünnes Update

Updates für Software fühlen sich manchmal so an wie das sprichwörtliche „hauchdünne Minzblättchen“ der berühmten Monty Python. Sobald der Prozess loslegt, sollte so ein Update nur […]